Picking up the pace: Evaluation in a rapidly changing world
The Evaluation Division of the European Investment Bank will convene a high-level conference on
Picking up the pace: Evaluation in a rapidly changing world on 6 March, 2023 at the EIB headquarters in Luxembourg.
The conference will address how evaluation functions are adapting to respond to an increasing demand for just-in-time evaluation insights and how this is fostering innovations in the field of evaluation.
It will bring together the European and international evaluation community, as well as experts from other fields, including futures thinking and strategic foresight, to share and contrast experiences in supporting evidence-based decision-making.
Technical sessions will dive further into recent innovations related to evaluation methods and approaches. Evaluation practitioners will share lessons learnt and tips on how to adapt and implement new tools.
Participants will include high-level delegates and practitioners from multilateral and bilateral finance institutions, the European Commission, governments, and academia.
Please feel free to share the conference announcement with colleagues within your organisation and in the meantime use the link below to save the date into your calendar.