Programme du Cycle de mai 2025 : Sensibilisation aux méthodes évaluatives

L’évaluation des politiques publiques est un enjeu majeur pour toutes les sociétés, notamment au Luxembourg. Ce cycle...
American Journal of Evaluation
Description: The American Journal of Evaluation (AJE) publishes original papers about the methods, theory, practice, and findings of evaluation. The general goal of AJE is to present the best work in and about evaluation, in order to improve the knowledge base and practice of its readers. Because the field of evaluation is diverse, with different intellectual traditions, approaches to practice, and domains of application, the papers published in AJE will reflect this diversity. Nevertheless, preference is given to papers that are likely to be of interest to a wide range of evaluators and that are written to be accessible to most readers.
Editions: American Evaluation Association (AEA)
Note: Réservé aux membres de l’AEA
Beleidsonderzoek Online (in Dutch)
Description: Policy Research Online is an e-journal for and about policy and research policy. Policy Research Online accommodate articles, columns and essays on the results of interesting policy research, examples of use of policy research in the policy process, issues and developments in policy research, interesting applications and new developments in methods and techniques and important developments and new insights into policy, management and / or regulations.
Note: Journal en ligne
Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Description: The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation seeks to promote the theory and practice of program evaluation. To this end CJPE publishes full-length articles on all aspects of the theory and practice of evaluation and shorter Evaluation Practice Notes which share practical knowledge, experiences and lessons learned. A third section of the journal, Addressing Challenges in Evaluation Practice, presents real-life cases written by evaluation practitioners. The journal has a particular interest in articles reporting original empirical research on evaluation. CJPE is a completely bilingual journal, publishing in both English and French. Readership includes academics, practitioners and policymakers. CJPE attracts authors and readers internationally.
Note: Journal en ligne
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Description: “Education Policy Analysis Archives/Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas/Arquivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas” (EPAA/AAPE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary journal designed for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and development analysts concerned with education policies.
EPAA/AAPE accepts unpublished original manuscripts in English, Spanish and Portuguese without restriction as to conceptual and methodological perspectives, time or place.
EPAA/AAPE publishes issues comprised of empirical articles, commentaries, and special issues at roughly weekly intervals, all of which pertain to educational policy, with direct implications for educational policy.
Note: Resource en ligne
Evaluation and the Health Professions
Description: Evaluation & the Health Professions is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that provides health-related professionals with state-of-the-art methodological, measurement, and statistical tools for conceptualizing the etiology of health promotion and problems, and developing, implementing, and evaluating health programs, teaching and training services, and products that pertain to a myriad of health dimensions.
Evaluation and Program Planning
Description: Evaluation and Program Planning is based on the principle that the techniques and methods of evaluation and planning transcend the boundaries of specific fields and that relevant contributions to these areas come from people representing many different positions, intellectual traditions, and interests. In order to further the development of evaluation and planning, we publish articles from the private and public sectors in a wide range of areas: organizational development and behavior, training, planning, human resource development, health and mental, social services, mental retardation, corrections, substance abuse, and education. The primary goals of the journal are to assist evaluators and planners to improve the practice of their professions, to develop their skills and to improve their knowledge base.
Note: Journal en ligne
Evaluation Review: A Journal of Applied Social Research
Description: Evaluation Review aims to advance the practice of evaluation and to publish the results of high quality evaluations. The Review focuses on rigorous evaluation of public programs and policies across a range of types of evaluation (process, implementation, impact), policy areas, and academic disciplines, all to foster evidence based policy. Impact evaluation—in particular, but not exclusively, random assignment—is an area of focus. Papers of interest include: (i) methodological discussions of the design and analysis of evaluations, including surveys of current practice and emerging issues; (ii) results of evaluations, especially when the evaluation develops new methods or applies emerging methods; and (iii) broader perspectives on evaluation such as the role of rigorous impact evaluation in the broader evaluation context, contracting for and disseminating results of evaluations, and the inter-relation of evaluation and policy.
Note: Journal en papier et en ligne. Accès payant.
Evaluation theory and praxis (in Czech)
Description: The journal “Evaluation Theory and Practice” is the only journal in the Czech Republic, which systematically deals with the issue of evaluations.
The main mission of the journal is to create a space for professional discussion on the issue of evaluations in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic and thus help in expanding the evaluation capabilities between consultants, development specialists and other interested parties. The aim of the journal is to disseminate generalizable knowledge evaluation practices and the results of evaluation focused research activities.
Note: Journal en ligne. Accessible uniquement en tchèque.
Evaluation: A International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice
Description: The journal “Evaluation” launched in 1995, publishes fully refereed papers and aims to advance the theory, methodology and practice of evaluation.
“Evaluation” publishes cutting-edge articles, revisits and advances professional and scholarly debates and engages with the world of evaluation practice. The journal is based in Europe and cooperate closely with the European Evaluation Society, but remains an independent voice, committed to encouraging dialogue between different evaluation traditions worldwide.
The journal is interdisciplinary drawing for example on political science, sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology and the philosophy of science. Over the last 20 years evaluation has become integral to many public-policy, regulatory and civil-society institutions. The journal “Evaluation” therefore welcomes innovative submissions from interconnected fields such as policy analysis, social work, technology development, education and auditing.
The journal also publishes Special Issues on topics that will help advance thinking and practice in evaluation.
Note: Journal en papier et en ligne. Accès payant.
Evidence & Policy : A Journal of Research Debate and Practice
Description: Evidence & Policy is the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to comprehensive and critical assessment of the relationship between research evidence and the concerns of policy makers and practitioners, as well as researchers.
International in scope and interdisciplinary in focus, it addresses the needs of those who provide public services, and those who provide the research base for evaluation and development across a wide range of social and public policy issues – from social care to education, from public health to criminal justice.
As well as more traditional research articles, the journal includes contemporary debate pieces, articles from practice and an invaluable sources and resources section.
Note: Journal en ligne
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
Description: Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal ( IAPA ) is an international refereed journal and is the official publication of the International Association for Impact Assessment. The editors welcome a diverse range of papers, including multi-author and interdisciplinary papers, that focus on the environmental, social, health, sustainability, and/or other assessments of projects, programs, plans and policies. IAPA is aimed at readers in universities, government and public agencies, consultancies, NGOs and community groups.
Published quarterly, IAPA contains a variety of peer-reviewed research articles, professional practice ideas, and book reviews of recently published titles. IAPA provides a one-source link to the latest ideas in the wide-ranging field of impact assessment.
Note: Journal en papier et en ligne. Accès payant
Journal for Evaluation (in German)
Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation
Description: The Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation (JMDE) publishes and disseminates work that contributes to the development of evaluation theory, methods, and practice.
Note: Journal en ligne. Accès libre
Description: LeGes promeut l'échange entre la science et la pratique sur la qualité de la législation. LeGes publie régulièrement des articles scientifiques, des reflets de la pratique et des comptes rendus. Depuis quelques années LeGes est également l'organe officiel de la SEVAL, comme le titre "LeGes - Legislation & Evaluation" l'exprime.
LeGes est un forum de discussion important pour l'évaluation en Suisse, revue que tous les membres de la SEVAL reçoivent gratuitement.
Note: Journal en ligne. Accès libre
Description: Each issue of New Directions for Evaluation is devoted to a single topic, with contributions solicited, organized, reviewed, and edited by a guest editor or editors. Issues may take any of several forms, such as a series of related chapters, a debate, or a long article followed by brief critical commentaries.
Note: Journal en ligne. Accès payant
Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Description: Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE) is an on-line journal providing access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice.
Note: Journal en ligne. Accès libre
Description: Research Evaluation is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed, international journal. Its subject matter is the evaluation of activities concerned with scientific research, technological development and innovation. This covers a very broad range of potential topics. The evaluation subjects can range from individuals, through research funding or performing organisations, up to inter-country comparisons of research and innovation performance, from single research projects to complex policy interventions.
Note: Journal en ligne. Accès payant
Description: “The Evaluation Exchange” is a one-of-a-kind periodical that contains new lessons and emerging strategies for evaluating programs and policies, particularly those focused on children, families, and communities. Since it was launched in 1995, “The Evaluation Exchange” has become a nationally known and significant force in helping to shape evaluation knowledge and practice.
Editions: Harvard Family Research Project
Note: Journal en ligne. Accès libre
The Scientific Journal about Evaluation of Italian Evaluation Society (in Italian)
Note: Journal en ligne. Accès payant
Une liste plus complète des journaux sur l’évaluation peut être trouvée sur le site d’EvalCommunity.
L’évaluation des politiques publiques est un enjeu majeur pour toutes les sociétés, notamment au Luxembourg. Ce cycle...
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