Programme du Cycle de mai 2025 : Sensibilisation aux méthodes évaluatives

L’évaluation des politiques publiques est un enjeu majeur pour toutes les sociétés, notamment au Luxembourg. Ce cycle...
Pas d'événements pour le moment
PwC Luxembourg a le plaisir de vous inviter à sa nouvelle session des
Rendez-vous du Secteur Public
21 Mars 2024
de 12h à 14h chez PwC Luxembourg
Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
L’évaluation est un enjeu majeur pour toutes les sociétés, notamment au Luxembourg. Ce cycle de sensibilisation vous permettra de comprendre pourquoi et comment évaluer, selon quels critères, comment assurer la qualité d’une évaluation et pourquoi et comment garantir l’utilisation des résultats d’une évaluation.
Au terme de la formation, le participant sera sensibilisé :
19 mars 2024 - 18h à 20h30
24 avril 2024 - 18h à 20h30
29 avril 2024 - 18h à 20h30
Migration: understanding conflict- and climate-related patterns
Jointly organised by EIB Group Evaluation & SOLEP
Hybrid event (West Building WKI, MC Room W7020)
The workshop will be recorded
The EIB Group´s Evaluation Division and the Luxembourgish association for evaluation and foresight (SOLEP) warmly invite you to a lunchtime workshop on the topic of “Migration: understanding conflict- and climate related patterns”. The session will start with two presentations from our guest speakers, followed by a panel discussion and a Q&A session. A light sandwich lunch will be provided with the possibility to further exchange and network.
Helge Roxin from the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) will present insights from a recent evaluation on the effectiveness of German development cooperation in dealing with conflict-induced forced migration crises in the Middle East.
Frédéric Docquier from the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) will present research on modelling the long-term implications of climate change on global migration and inequality.
The workshop will take place on Thursday, 28th September from 12.00-13.30 at the EIB Headquarters, West Building (WKI), in the MC Room W7020. We look forward to welcoming you at the EIB premises. For those who cannot attend in-person, there will be the possibility to connect online via Webex. Kindly note the workshop sessions will be recorded.
Please note that registration of in-person attendance is mandatory by sending an email to by 21 September, indicating your name and organisation name to facilitate access to EIB premises. Kindly feel free to share this invitation with colleagues in your organisation.
Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn and engage with the EIB Group Evaluation Division, the SOLEP members, and our distinguished guest speakers. We look forward to seeing you on 28th September 2023!
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Mardi 26 septembre 2023, 08h30-18h00
Grand Auditoire, Maison du Savoir | 2, Avenue de l’Université, L- 4365 Esch-Belval
& Retransmission simultanée (Youtube)
Ajoutez l’événement à votre calendrier
Les discussions se tiendront en français, luxembourgeois, anglais ou allemand sans traduction simultanée.
La participation est gratuite et ouverte à tous dans la limite des places disponibles.
Un buffet-déjeuner et un apéritif seront offerts pour rythmer l’événement.
Merci de vous inscrire au préalable
Le lieu de l’événement est facilement accessible :
La Chambre de Commerce du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et l’IGR – Institut de la Grande Région vous invitent au nouvel opus du cycle de conférences « Entre reflets et visions, quo vadis Grande Région? » intitulé « De la compétition à la coopétition: vers un développement économique transfrontalier sous le signe de la coopération intelligente! ».
Ce nouveau tour d’horizon s’impose pour débattre de ce qu’il en est vraiment en matière de coopération - compétition et du nécessaire équilibre à trouver pour un co-développement transfrontalier durable. Quelle situation, quels freins et surtout quelles solutions?
Quand? Mercredi 20 septembre 2023
Où? Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg
Objectif: Porter une réflexion concrète sur les défis économiques actuels et futurs de la Grande Région, approfondir la thématique de la coopération transfrontalière en analysant les opportunités de développement commun, cohérent et renforcé.
Au programme: Session inaugurale en présence du ministre luxembourgeois à la Grande Région, M. Max Hahn, discours, tables rondes, panels d’experts.
La participation à cet événement est gratuite. Une interprétation vers la langue allemande sera assurée.
Interessé(e)? Découvrez le programme et inscrivez-vous jusqu'au 19 septembre.
Réservez dès maintenant vos agendas ! La cinquième édition du Forum international francophone de l'évaluation (FIFE), co-organisée par le RFE et la SOLEP se tiendra les 4, 5 et 6 juillet à Luxembourg.
The Evaluation Division of the European Investment Bank will convene a high-level conference on
Picking up the pace: Evaluation in a rapidly changing world on 6 March, 2023 at the EIB headquarters in Luxembourg.
The conference will address how evaluation functions are adapting to respond to an increasing demand for just-in-time evaluation insights and how this is fostering innovations in the field of evaluation.
It will bring together the European and international evaluation community, as well as experts from other fields, including futures thinking and strategic foresight, to share and contrast experiences in supporting evidence-based decision-making.
Technical sessions will dive further into recent innovations related to evaluation methods and approaches. Evaluation practitioners will share lessons learnt and tips on how to adapt and implement new tools.
Participants will include high-level delegates and practitioners from multilateral and bilateral finance institutions, the European Commission, governments, and academia.
Please feel free to share the conference announcement with colleagues within your organisation and in the meantime use the link below to save the date into your calendar.
The EIB Group’s Evaluation Division and the Luxembourgish association for evaluation and forecast (SOLEP) are pleased to invite you to a seminar of interest to policymakers, researchers, evaluation practitioners, representatives of national and European associations and public institutions, private enterprises, NGOs and students interested in the topic.
Practical details: the link to the presentation can be accessed here
For further information please contact Ombeline De Bock ( and Zoica Arencibia (
Public blended finance instruments, aiming to strengthen sustainable economic development, is becoming increasingly widespread in and outside the EU. This trend will most likely keep on growing in the context of recently agreed or upcoming policies and instruments such as the InvestEU and the European External Investment Plan. As a result, there is also increasing scrutiny towards blended finance activities and financial instruments, which are sometimes challenged for their lack of transparency and demonstrable impacts.
This SOLEP asbl event, hosted by PwC's Public Sector Advisory practice, aims to raise awareness of the main challenges around the evaluation of blended finance and financial instruments and of the lessons learned about the methodologies applied in existing evaluations.
Evaluating the implementation and results of such blended finance and financial can help understand their underlying complexity and contribute to their improvement. However, this is no easy exercise. Evaluators face several challenges including determining the mobilisation effect and additionality of public support and demonstrating the efficiency of the evaluated instruments.
Irene Basile, Policy Analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will present the main findings of the recently published OECD 'Working Paper on blended finance evaluation: governance and methodological challenges'.
The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Fabio D'Aversa (PwC) with:
- Irene Basile, OECD, Policy Analyst, Development Co-operation Directorate
- Massimo Cingolani, European Investment Bank, Head of Unit, Blending EU/Accession countries
- Jürgen Hammer, Social Performance Task Force Europe, Managing Director
A networking lunch will be provided after the event.
Participation to this event is free. Please note that the registration is mandatory and that an identity card will have to be presented at PwC's main entrance in order to be granted access to the event's venue (PwC Crystal Park, 2 rue Gerhard Mercator – click here to access a map).
Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Should you have any question please contact SOLEP secretariat (
L'invitation en français est disponible ici
SOLEP asbl, the Société Luxembourgeoise de l'Evaluation et de la Prospective, marks its 10th anniversary in 2019. To celebrate, SOLEP invites you to a conference of interest to policy-makers, evaluation professionals, economists, statisticians, data analysts, researchers, and students.
The event will be held under the patronage of the Ministry of the Economy and Foreign Trade and the European Investment Bank, and is organised with the support of Chamber of Commerce, KPMG Luxembourg, Artemis Information Management and PwC Luxembourg.
The use of big data analytics in monitoring and evaluation is on the rise. What are the new analytical tools and how can they applied for public decision-making? What are the implications to evaluation practitioners? What are the challenges ahead in terms of privacy protection and ethics? Two plenary sessions in the morning will be followed by three parallel technical workshops in the afternoon on the use of big data analytical tools for monitoring and evaluation.
8h30: Registration
9h00: Session1. Big data analytics in evaluation: where do we stand and where are we headed?
10h50: Coffee break
11h00: Session 2. Artificial Intelligence ethics and data privacy initiatives around the globe: progress and remaining challenges
12h30: Lunch break
14h00: Parallel technical workshops
16h00: Coffee break
16h15: Workshops conclusions in plenary session
17h15: Closing remarks by SOLEP and EIB
Detailed programme of the event available here.
Presenters' biographies are available here.
This SOLEP asbl event is hosted by the Evaluation Division of the EIB and is co-organised with the Luxembourg City Hub of the World Economic Forum's Global Shapers Community. It forms part of SOLEP's latest cycle of workshops on new sources of data in evaluation and of the Luxembourg Global Shapers' knowledge event series known as "Shapers' Talk".
At this event, Fellow Shaper Wladimir Nikoluk, CEO of ImmerLearn and Harvard Master's of Public Policy candidate, will present an innovative approach to use artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize patterns and relevant variables and improve impact evaluation through self-learning in real time.
Mr Nikoluk's biography and talk abstract are available here.
This talk will be held in English and will be followed by a sequence of Q&As. Sandwiches and drinks will be provided after the event.
Participation to this event is free. Please note that registration is mandatory and that an identity card will have to be presented at the EIB's main entrance (WKI building) in order to be granted access to the event's venue (EKI building - see EIB access map below).
Main bus routes to the venue are lines n° 1, 7, 16 and 18 and parking places are available at participant's own expenses at the Place de l'Europe parking, next to the Philharmonie.
Deadline for registration is Friday, 31st of August 2018.
You can register by clicking on the link below or by email at
Should you have any question, please contact SOLEP secretariat at
English version available below
Le prochain Atelier de l'Evaluation de la SOLEP (Société Luxembourgeoise de l'Evaluation et de la Prospective, sera dédié à la question de l'articulation de la statistique et de l'évaluation.
Cet atelier sera organisé en trois parties :
1. "Luxembourg Microdata Platform on Labour and Social Protection : un nouvel outil pour accéder aux données administratives luxembourgeoises" par Mme Mireille Zanardelli, économiste du travail à l'Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale (IGSS)
2. "Eurostat : fournisseur de données comparables et accessibles pour l'Europe" par Mme Louise Corselli-Nordblad, responsable communication à Eurostat.
3. "Ressources statistiques à des fins d'évaluation économique" par M. Charles-Henri DiMaria, directeur adjoint de la division Recherche du STATEC
Les CVs des orateurs sont décrits plus en détail ici.
Les interventions se feront en français et en anglais et l'atelier sera suivi d'un verre de l'amitié.
La participation à cet atelier est gratuite. Les inscriptions sont obligatoires et une carte d'identité sera requise pour accéder à l'événement. La date limite d'inscription est fixée au dimanche 10 juin 2018.
Pour toutes questions, merci de vous adresser au secrétariat de la SOLEP (contact :
The next Evaluation Workshop of SOLEP (Luxembourg Evaluation and Foresight Association, will explore the links between statistics and evaluation.
The workshop will be divided into three parts:
1. "The Luxembourg Microdata Platform on Labour and Social Protection : a new tool for improved access to Luxembourg's administrative data", by Mrs Mireille Zanardelli, Labour Economist at IGSS (Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale)
2. "Eurostat : providing accessible and comparable data for Europe" by Mrs Louise Corselli-Nordblad, communication specialist from Eurostat
3. "Statistical resources for economic evaluation" by Mr Charles-Henri DiMaria, Deputy Head of Research division at STATEC.
The CVs of speakers are available here.
Presentations will be held in French and English and the workshop will be followed by a drink.
Participation at this workshop is free. Please note that the registration is mandatory and you will have to present an identity card to have access to the venue. The deadline for registration is Sunday June 10, 2018.
Should you have any question please contact SOLEP secretariat (
English version available below
Le prochain Atelier de l'Evaluation de la SOLEP (Société Luxembourgeoise de l'Evaluation et de la Prospective, sera dédié à la question de l'articulation des méthodes quantitatives, des approches qualitatives et des nouvelles sources de données dans l'évaluation de politiques publiques.
Cet atelier sera organisé en trois parties :
La présentation générale de l'atelier et les CV des orateurs sont décrits plus en détail ici.
Les interventions se feront en français et en anglais et l'atelier sera suivi d'un verre de l'amitié.
La participation à cet atelier est gratuite. Les inscriptions sont obligatoires et une carte d'identité sera requise pour accéder à l'événement. La date limite d'inscription est fixée au lundi 19 février 2018.
Pour toutes questions, merci de vous adresser au secrétariat de la SOLEP (contact :
The next Evaluation Workshop of SOLEP (Luxembourg Evaluation and Foresight Association, will explore the links between quantitative methods, qualitative approaches and new data sources in the evaluation of public policies.
The workshop will be divided into three parts:
The general presentation of the workshop and the CVs of speakers are available here.
Presentations will be held in French and English and the workshop will be followed by a drink.
Participation at this workshop is free. Please note that the registration is mandatory and you will have to present an identity card to have access to the venue. The deadline for registration is Monday February 19, 2018.
Should you have any question please contact SOLEP secretariat (
L’évaluation des politiques publiques est un enjeu majeur pour toutes les sociétés, notamment au Luxembourg. Ce cycle...
Dans un monde en constante évolution, comment les organisations peuvent-elles être plus efficaces, plus équitables ou plus...
Sandwich lunch workshop
Understanding conflict- and climate-related drivers of migration
and forced...